Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Evolution of Induction

So in reflection on how tonight was going to play out, Hunter decided to keep everyone on their toes and set everyone to HIS schedule. Essentially we were expecting to come in, Chelsey was to get the Citotec and then wait 6 hours before any kind of further progression. However, from the moment the 3rd year Resident checked how she was doing, he immediately progressed her to the Pitocin/Oxytocin which from my understanding now helps create more contractions regularly and to intensive them which means a progression. So far she has already been upped from 1mL to 7 (and can go as high as 20 if need be). The contractions as of right now are 2-4 minutes apart and are increasing more steadily throughout the night. I will say from my own personal observation, if I was constantly pushing a 130-176 heartrate all the time like Hunter is, I would be the best athlete the world has ever seen.  Chelsey has adjusted to lay on her side to be more comfortable, but with her ever increasing progression, they dont expect her to get much sleep if any (which she isnt crazy about. lol) But everything is looking great and we are just counting down the time till Hunter graces us with his worldwide debut.


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