Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

First bit of nesting

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of time going through all the baby clothes I've been given and sorting them into boxes by size. I got a bunch of stuff from my grandmother when we went to visit and all of that needed to be put away instead of staying the the big plastic bag we brought it all home in. There's definitely more on my project list, but these things have to be taken step by step, and I'm not quite at the steps I would like to be (i.e. the ones that are fun or involve buying new things). I was able to get my books on a shelf (which involved emptying a shelf) and got all of my clothes put away, which means, of course, I did laundry the next day and now have even more to put away. I don't have a closet, so I'm considering getting one of those clothing racks. I need to get the desk emptied (at least the top) and moved so that I can put the changing table and a set of drawers for Hunter's clothes on top. It's hard to believe I'm entering my eighth month. Time is going to fly by before I know it.

In health news, I threw up for the first time in ages today. I was feeling a little queasy before breakfast, but it stayed down. However, as soon as I took the one swallow of water it took to take my pills everything went bad. All of the pills came up and I had to retake them. And my side pain has made its own resurgence. Which is why I'm updating my blog - I'm giving the pain medication time to kick in so that *hopefully* I can go outside and mow. Which happens to be one of my favorite chores. Yep, that's right. I love mowing the lawn. Riding mower, push mower, weed whacker, trimming, doesn't matter. I love the instant gratification of cutting grass. Somehow mentioning that made me remember I need to get some pictures printed and vacuum my room. Crazy how the brain makes connections sometimes.

One thing that has definitely changed with pregnancy is my bedtime. I was always a night owl, and could push past the sleepy feeling into a sleep-deprived high that kept me going without a lot of trouble. Now, anytime between 8:30 and midnight I'm off to bed. And I rarely drag it out. I decide I'm tired, I change clothes, brush my teeth, and then I'm in bed with the lights out dozing off within ten minutes of deciding it was bedtime. And staying up until midnight is pushing it. The only reason I was up that late last night is because I was pushing myself to stay awake to finish True Grit with my parents. On a side note, John Wayne rocks. And I considered turning in halfway through the movie, but I stuck it out. It took effort though. And even though I budget time for a healthy amount of sleep (usually nine hours), when my alarm went off this morning I ignored it and slept for another two hours. Mostly because I didn't have anything to do until noon and when my body wants to sleep I'm usually more than happy to oblige. If it says it needs extra sleep I believe it. And I figure that, not only is it good to get as much rest and enjoyment out of sleeping as I can before the baby comes, it will also be good to be on an earlier schedule before then too.

Well, the meds seem to have worked some magic, so I'm going to try to get up and do something (like mowing). And this post is now plenty long and I've managed to talk about what is mostly a whole lot of nothing. I'm good at that. Just ask my nail tech.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shannon's Post

I am in the hospital again! But this time not related to the chronic problems, I'd been having severe pain right beneath my sternum on and off with certain movements for a couple of weeks, and it started lasting longer, and because we thought it might be pancreatitis we went ahead to the hospital. They've speculated that I tore or strained an abdominal muscle, one of the ones that is supposed to stretch with the baby. I've been here for almost a week now, and just last night they took me off iv narcotics and gave me a lidocaine patch. I was skeptical at first, but while the pain wasn't eliminated completely, I felt so much better than on the pain meds. They are going to let me go home tomorrow so I can follow up with specialists as an out-patient.

Everyone here has been really great. All of nurses have been fantastic. Today was craft day, which one of the charge nurses hosts. I made a lovely pillow. It was actually really easy. And it turns out my mom knows a lot about sewing, so I might be able to convince her to pull out the sewing machine she hasn't used in twenty years and do some projects with me.

Hunter is doing well, though I've been having a lot of contractions. I'm on non-official partial bed rest while I'm here. My nurse doesn't want me doing too much walking around so I don't stimulate more. I'm also on Procardia for the same reason. He is kicking up a storm! My dad got to feel him yesterday, and you can see him moving through my shirt for sure. He's going to be a wild one! I can't wait to meet him. He is so funny, he aims for the stethoscope or monitor whenever either is put on my belly. I'm pretty sure he's more breech now, but I can't really feel where he is through my belly yet to be sure. I wonder how much I'll have popped in another 8 weeks. I'm still pretty small now. He weighs over 3lbs though, so he's right on track, and so are my measurements. Only another two months! It feels like forever, but it will fly by. It's hard to believe that I'm having a baby of my very own. Maybe when he's in my arms it will feel real.

30 weeks!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Double Digits!

It took me completely by surprise today when David reminded me that we are officially into double digits on our baby countdown. And Hunter will probably arrive at least a week before that, possibly earlier. Instead of 89 days we're closer to 79. Wow. 79 days of being beaten from the inside. This boy is active! Except, of course, when I'm trying to let someone feel him.

Oooohhh....nausea attack. Time to get away from the computer.